- The project will officially end on the 30th of April, but the website will still be updated with news and publications related to VIRAME. You can find the bioinformatics pipeline developed during the project, for shotgun metagenome and metavirome analysis, on the following website: https://forgemia.inra.fr/cedric.midoux/workflow_metagenomics
- April, 20, 2023: presentation by Marion Covès at Journées des doctorant.e.s ABIES 2023 (AgroParisTech, Palaiseau, France, https://jddabies.wixsite.com/website-2/blank) – “Characterization of virus-host dynamics in anaerobic digesters under abiotic stress”
- November, 23, 2022: presentation by Marion Covès at GdR Archaea 2022 : From Environmental Biodiversity to Fundamental Cellular Processes (Autrans, France, https://gdrarchaea2022.sciencesconf.org/) – “Characterization of virus-host dynamics in anaerobic digesters under abiotic stress”
- November, 23, 2022: presentation by Ariane Bize at GdR Archaea 2022 : From Environmental Biodiversity to Fundamental Cellular Processes (Autrans, France, https://gdrarchaea2022.sciencesconf.org/) – “Diversity of novel viruses infecting methanogenic archaea, discovered through coupling of stable isotope probing and metagenomics”
- October, 12, 2022: poster pitch presentation by Marion Covès at Phages in Paris (Paris, France, annual conference of the French network phages.fr, https://phages2022.sciencesconf.org/ , https://site.phages.fr/explorer-ressources/colloques/) – “Characterization of virus-host dynamics in anaerobic digesters under abiotic stress”
- October, 12, 2022: oral presentation by Ariane Bize at Phages in Paris (Paris, France, annual conference of the French network phages.fr, https://phages2022.sciencesconf.org/ , https://site.phages.fr/explorer-ressources/colloques/) – “Diversity of novel viruses infecting methanogenic archaea, discovered through coupling of stable isotope probing and metagenomics”
- October, 4, 2022: oral presentation by Marion Covès at MICROBES 2022, 17th congress of the French Society of Microbiology (Société Française de Microbiologie, SFM) (Montpellier, France, https://www.alphavisa.com/sfm/2022/fr/) – “Characterization of virus-host dynamics in anaerobic digesters under abiotic stress”
- September, 20, 2022: Marion Covès is presenting her PhD work at IDEEV ESE DEEM seminar (Diversity, Ecology and Evolution of Microbes, Université Paris-Saclay) – “Abiotic inhibition impact on microbial and viral populations in anaerobic digesters”
- September, 7, 2022: poster pitch presentation by Marion Covès at the 1st MICROBES symposium (Orsay, France, OI MICROBES symposium) – “Characterization of virus-host dynamics in anaerobic digesters under abiotic stress”
- September, 7, 2022: poster pitch presentation by Ariane Bize at the 1st MICROBES symposium (Orsay, France, OI MICROBES symposium) – “Diversity of novel archaeal viruses infecting methanogens discovered through coupling of stable isotope probing and metagenomics”
- August, 15, 2022: poster pitch presentation by Ariane Bize at the 18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (#ISME18, Lausanne, Switzerland, https://isme18.isme-microbes.org/) – “Diversity of novel archaeal viruses infecting methanogens discovered through coupling of stable isotope probing and metagenomics”
- July, 18, 2022: poster presentation by Marion Coves at Viruses of Microbes 2022 (VOM 2022, Braga, Portugal, https://vom2022.org/) – “Characterization of virus-host dynamics in anaerobic digesters under abiotic stress”
- July, 4, 2022: PhD defense of Hoang Ngo at the University of Paris-Saclay/INRAE, on the “Genomic characterization of archaeal and bacterial viruses in anaerobic digestion processes, through the coupling of isotopic labeling and metagenomics” (Caractérisation génomique de virus d’archées et de bactéries au sein de procédés de digestion anaérobie par le couplage d’approches isotopiques et métagénomiques). Congratulations to the new doctor! We would like to acknowledge the jury members, the PhD committee members, and the scientific partners of the project!
- January, 10, 2022: welcome to Caroline Talleu for her Master 2 internship!
- November, 15-19, 2021: oral presentation by Ariane Bize at the 10th National Congress of the Association Francophone d’Ecologie Microbienne (AFEM), virtual congress (https://afem-10.sciencesconf.org/) – “Exploration de la diversité des virus d’archées méthanogènes dans les procédés de digestion anaérobie, par des approches isotopiques et métagénomiques”
- September, 22-24, 2021: oral presentation by Hoang Ngo at the 16th National Congress of the French Society of Microbiology (Société Française de Microbiologie, SFM) held in Nantes, France (https://www.alphavisa.com/sfm/2021/fr/index.php) – “Characterization of the diversity of viruses infecting methanogens in anaerobic digestion processes by shotgun sequencing metagenomics”
- February, 1, 2021: welcome to Lucia Ripol Malo for her Master 2 internship!
- October, 1, 2020: welcome to the new PhD student, Marion Coves!
- February, 3, 2020: welcome to Ferran Colomies for his Master 2 internship!
- January, 1, 2020: merger of INRA and Irstea, we are now INRAE! (https://www.inrae.fr/en)
- October, 10, 2019: participation of Hoang Ngo and Ariane Bize to the workshop on “Assembly and annotation of individual phage genomes”, in Grenoble
- October, 8-9: two poster flash presentations by Hoang Ngo and Ariane Bize at Phages in Grenoble, (Grenoble, France, annual conference of the French network phages.fr, https://site.phages.fr/explorer-ressources/colloques/) – “A molecular ecology approach using Stable Isotope Probing and metagenomics to study viruses of methanogens’ diversity” – “Detection of an archaea-specific viral family, previously thought to infect exclusively hyperthermophiles, in human gut metaviromes”
- March, 27, 2019: oral presentation on Stable Isotope Probing in microbial ecology and on the VIRAME project by Ariane Bize, during the “Phage ecology” meeting of the French network Phages.fr held in Lyon (France); many thanks to the organizers for this nice workshop!
- January 14, 2019: welcome to Maximilien Sotomski for his Master 2 internship!
- January, 2, 2019: welcome to the new PhD student, Hoang Ngo!
- September 24, 2018: oral presentation on k-mer profiles in cell, virus and plasmid genomes from the domain Archaea by Ariane Bize at “Phages in Bordeaux” 2018 (France, annual conference of the French network phages.fr, https://site.phages.fr/explorer-ressources/colloques/)
- July 12, 2018: oral presentation on k-mer profiles in cell, virus and plasmid genomes from the domain Archaea by Ariane Bize at Viruses of Microbes 2018 (Poland, http://meetings.embo.org/event/18-virus-microbe)
- June 15, 2018: Master’s thesis defense of Maxime Allioux
- May 3, 2018: abstract on k-mer profiles in cell, virus and plasmid genomes from the domain Archaea selected for short talk at Viruses of Microbes 2018 (Poland, July 2018, http://meetings.embo.org/event/18-virus-microbe)
- January 10, 2018: start of the M2 internship of Maxime Allioux (M2 Genome and Environment, Paris-Saclay University)
- January 4, 2018: welcome to Maxime Allioux for his Master 2 internship!
- December 14, 2017: ANR kick-off meeting for the projects of the societal challenge 2: Clean, secure and efficient energy
- November 27, 2017: start of participation to the collective work organized by the group on phage computational biology from the French network Phages.fr (https://site.phages.fr/)
- November 23, 2017: VIRAME kick-off meeting at the Irstea centre from Antony, France
- November 1, 2017: official starting date of VIRAME