Habitat level management and restoration of functions


Photo credit: Jane Hawkey, Integration and Application Network, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (ian.umces.eduimagelibrary)

WP 3 focuses on analysing green infrastructure capacity to sustain biodiversity while at the same time providing ES

and other benefits, relying on habitat attributes, restoration of degraded habitat and proper management of green infrastructure. It is hypothesized that general management and restoration techniques must be adapted to the specific site conditions and the requirements related to the different ES.


Main tasks

Task 3.1: Develop a harmonized methodology for the assessment and description of use and management of GI habitat and of the landscape matrix

Task 3.2: Define options suitable for the management and restoration of functions and connectivity on a landscape scale and for the sustained maintenance of enhanced ecosystem services delivery


Lead partner: Research Institute Nature and Forest (INBO)

Contact(s): Geert de Blust geert.deblust[@]inbo.be