Use and Regulation of Green Infrastructures


Photo credit: Jane Thomas, Integration and Application Network, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (ian.umces.eduimagelibrary)

WP 4 focuses on the four related research questions, studied in all CSS sites:

(1) What is the current use of, demand for, access to and value of ES and Disservices of the studied GI by different stakeholder groups?

(2) In which way does unequal access between interested users and imbalance between burden and benefits of (dis)services generate (potential) conflicts and governance problems of GI?

(3) Which regulation mechanisms, policy instruments and informal institutions are currently defining GI governance? How effectively are they implementated?

(4) How can existing regulation mechanisms be improved?


Main tasks

Task 4.1: Analyse the governance and regulation of GI

Task 4.2: Analyse the socio-cultural demand, use and access to ecosystem services and impact of Disservices to stakeholder groups

Task 4.3: Analyse overall results, formulate recommendations


Lead partner: Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE)

Contact(s): Marion Mehring mehring[@]isoe.de